Destiny 2 Buried Bloodline – How to Get Exotic + Catalyst in the Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon

Buried Bloodline is an Exotic sidearm available to players upon completing Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon in Destiny 2. This weapon features special ammunition that tracks projectiles, Hungering Quarrel as an intrinsic trait and the Splitvein Lineage Catalyst that weakens enemies with each final strike. To unlock this Exotic, players will need to complete three puzzles within […]

Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin Loot Table

Warlord?s Ruin is the latest dungeon in Destiny 2, providing Guardians an opportunity to uncover past histories and tensions within an abandoned Dark Age castle. Additionally, new weapons and armor featuring Strand synergies are also introduced as part of this unique experience. Weaponry includes three sidearms – The Indebted Kindness sidearm ushers in a new […]

Destiny 2 Legendary Lost Sector Today – Exotic Armor and Weapons

Completing Legend and Master Lost Sectors solo each day offers the possibility of unlocking Exotic armor. Players may also gain Foundry weapons for defeating Champions. These activities are an effective way to level up your Guardian and prepare them for more difficult endgame content such as Grandmaster Nightfalls and Master Raids. With this guide at […]

Destiny 2 Reconstruction Weapons and Perk Guide

Destiny 2’s latest raid brings with it some innovative weapon perks, one being Reconstruction. S-Tier perk that automatically replenishes weapons’ magazines up to double their typical capacity every four seconds when not firing, overflowing capacity for Final Blows and working well with Target Lock, Feeding Frenzy and Voltshot perks. Best PvE Shotguns Shotguns offer a […]

Destiny 2 Exotic Crossbow – Buried Bloodline

Warlord’s Ruin is back, along with an Exotic weapon called Buried Bloodline: an automatic crossbow equipped with special ammo that tracks enemies. Additionally, its special ability grants Devour upon landing multiple final blows – perfect for the Season of Wish! This Dungeon Exotic has an estimated drop rate of 5-6% and can only be earned […]

Destiny 2 Legend Lost Sector Today

Destiny 2’s Legend Lost Sectors can provide an exciting way to unlock new, exotic gear; however, they require you to be at a certain Power Level and possess anti-Champion weapons for optimal success. Therefore, keeping track of their schedule and rotation is vitally important in order to run them successfully. This week’s Legend Lost Sector […]

Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin Loot Table

Destiny 2’s Warlord?s Ruin Dungeon features three boss encounters with potentially valuable loot to be discovered within an abandoned castle overrun with Scorn and Taken, offering players the chance to storm it for themselves. The initial encounter involves eliminating Hefnd’s Blinded Eyes. Once they are destroyed, doors will open up and the main mechanic of […]

Destiny 2 Buried Bloodline Exotic Sidearm and Catalyst

Buried Bloodline is an Exotic sidearm available from Warlord’s Ruin in Season of the Wish and features both Hungering Quarrel Intrinsic Traits that fire tracking bolts at enemies to drain health, as well as Violent Reanimation Catalyst that grants Devour upon multiple final blows. How to get the Catalyst Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish […]

Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin Loot Table – Indebted Kindness Sidearm

Guardians will find themselves facing numerous challenges in Destiny 2 Warlord?s Ruin. From climbing sections to taking on Hefnd’s Vengeance, Guardians can expect an array of unique encounters within this exciting new dungeon that also rewards them with awesome weapons and armor! What exactly can be won from an icy castle? Let’s take a look […]